Acne Treatments

Embrace clear, confidence-boosting skin with our personalised skincare solution

How Dr Storm Can Help Treat Acne & Blemishes?

Acne is a common skin condition caused by clogged hair follicles with oil and dead skin cells, resulting in whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, or cysts. Factors like hormonal changes, excess oil, bacteria, and inflammation contribute to its development. Acne can range from mild to severe, potentially causing emotional distress and scarring. We are here to help and support medical intervention for treating acne!

It is difficult to predict how individuals will respond to treatment, however we will always provide honest and realistic advice during your consultation on results you should expect. 

Our treatments have been proven to work for mild-moderate acne in countless studies.  Our personalised skincare containing a topical retinoid derived from vitamin A, works by promoting skin cell turnover and preventing the plugging of hair follicles, which are key factors in the development of acne.

Here's how personalised skincare can help with severe acne:

  1. Unclogs Pores: It helps to unclog pores by promoting the shedding of dead skin cells and preventing the formation of comedones (whiteheads and blackheads). By keeping the pores clear, it reduces the likelihood of acne lesions forming.
  2. Reduces Inflammation: Severe acne is often characterised by inflammation, which can lead to painful, swollen, and red pimples or cysts. Our personalised skincare has anti-inflammatory properties that help to calm inflammation and reduce the severity of acne lesions.
  3. Prevents New Breakouts: Our science baked skincare not only treats existing acne but also helps to prevent new breakouts from forming. By regulating skin cell turnover and oil production, it can keep acne under control over the long term.
  4. Improves Skin Texture: In addition to treating acne, it can also improve overall skin texture and tone. It promotes collagen production, which can help to smooth out acne scars and reduce the appearance of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Your treatment may change depending on how your skin is responding.  We like to hear from you each time you place a repeat order to see how you are getting on.  We may ask for photos at various stages of your treatment to assess your skin.

During the initial weeks of treatment, experiencing a breakout is common before noticing improvement. This occurrence is a natural part of the process, as it helps to eliminate breakouts that would have otherwise surfaced later on.

Real results come with continued use, for acne we would expect to see major results after 9-12 months.

Preventing and managing breakouts involves various factors. Prioritising good skincare practices is essential. We recommend cleansing the face gently daily, as well as after sweating or exercising. Using a gentle, fragrance free moisturiser and sunscreen is important during treatment. All of which you can find in our Basically Brilliant collection.

Contrary to common myths, there's no hard evidence linking acne directly to food, but maintaining a balanced diet and staying hydrated is obviously beneficial to your overall health.  Stress can influence blemish formation by affecting hormone levels like cortisol. Incorporating stress-reducing activities such as exercise into your routine may therefore also promote healthier skin!

Real people, real results

Julie's 9 Month Progress

“From the age of 16 I have had acne and have spent so much money on skincare/treatments as well as being on a very strong treatment when I was 17! I wish I knew about Dr Storm sooner!!!! It has allowed me to re-gain my self-esteem and feel comfortable in my own skin! Thank you xx"

How to get started with Dr Storm

Medical Questionnaire

Complete your medical questionnaire and tell us your skin goals

Purchase Personalised Skincare

Complete your purchase

Email Skin Images

You must take ×3 makeup free images of your skin and email them to us here before we can send out your order


Once we have your images your cream will be ordered via the information you have provided or following your consultation call

Delivered to Your Doorstep

Your personalised skincare is compounded with care, just for you, please allow 7-10 for this to arrive

consistency is key

It is not a sprint, but a marathon

Start your journey to smoother, more youthful-looking skin with our personalised skincare regimen. In the initial weeks (0-4), expect an adjustment period characterised by potential irritation, dryness, redness, and peeling as your skin adapts to the high strength ingredients. Although visible changes may be minimal initially, stay consistent as progress is underway.

By months 2-3, experience reduced irritation and subtle improvements in skin texture. As you progress into months 3-6, notice more significant changes, including a reduction in fine lines, improved skin texture, and a more even skin tone. Collagen production increases, contributing to firmer, more elastic skin. Beyond 6 months, continue to see enhanced anti-aging benefits, with further reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, smoother skin, and improved overall tone and texture. Consistent use of personalised skincare is key for maintaining results and preventing new signs of ageing long-term.